Hydrogen took us to the
moon and back. 10 Times, 39 Years ago.
will be our next major step in a energy infrastructure
in the USA and the rest of the world. It cannot be
stopped. It will happen. Its only a question
of which year or which decade it will start in
Although the date of when hydrogen will be a wide spread
reality is a question,
there is one thing that is not in question. The
politicians will tax it.
The internet has been in
existence for about 40 years and the "web" for about the
last 17 years, the last 10 years of the internet being very significant.
So far the internet has avoided taxes of significance
and it should continue that way.
The same thing needs to be done for Hydrogen BEFORE its
numbers start to climb. SEE the SIX conditions
(and expanding) below we have put forth for NO TAX ON
See our Graphics and
Promotional Material in Downloads and Graphics. |
The Importance of NO TAX
on Hydrogen
and NO TAX Hydrogen with Other Fuels ?
has a very 'complete combustion'. It has a
high equilibrium constant to the RIGHT and the reaction
with oxygen wants to go to completion. All H2 and
O2 wants to combine and form H2O with no free H2 or O2
floating around. Hydrogen has the ability to
"dominate" or "characterize" the combustion of other
materials. This can happen between 5%, 10% and 20%
of a mixture of Hydrogen and the other fuel.
Normally 10% is more than enough. So 90% natural
gas and 10% hydrogen when ignited will combust with
nearly the same speed and completion and efficiency of
pure 100% hydrogen. An engine running on 100%
methane (natural gas) on a standard throttled homogenous
mixture engine ( like you drive now) will have a thermal
efficiency of 18.5 to 23.0%.
A diesel engine runs
on unthrottled stratified charge configuration and it
can do 28% to 44% thermal efficiency. Diesel
engines hold
the world record for the most efficient mass production
engine. This is more efficient than most fuel
cells. The same is for an engine running on 100%
hydrogen. It can run in open throttle stratified
charge mode and get 28% to 43% thermal efficiency.
10% Hydrogen and 90% Natural gas ( or 90% gasoline )
will allow a standard 'gasoline' type engine to run with
the same efficiency as a diesel engine or the pure
hydrogen engine just described.
Why? As I
said above. The hydrogen dominates and
characterizes the combustion of the other fuel. An
example of this is: Think of a single match as the spark
from a spark plug and think of a BIG pile of wood as fuel in an
engine cylinder. Light the match and throw it on
the big pile of wood. Does it light? How
fast does it burn? Now soak the entire pile
of wood with 10% gasoline and then light your match and
throw it on the wood. How does it burn ? The
burns fast and it burns like gasoline burns.
Hydrogen does the same thing with gasoline, diesel,
propane, natural gas, alcohol and other fuels in the
cylinder of an internal combustion engine running in unthrottled stratified charge mode.
The hydrogen ignites and takes the rest of the fuel
along with it on high speed and complete combustion.
NO TAX on Hydrogen:
Condition 1.
Natural Gas and Hydrogen together.
CH4 + H2 = CH4 + H2
the entire content, delivery, storage, use or generation
of a gaseous or compressed gas fuel that is
homogeneously mixed with at least 20% diatomic
hydrogen free molecules as measured by calorific (BTU)
What Doe this mean?
It means take 80% Natural Gas (or less), or Methane
and 20% Hydrogen Gas (or more) and mix the two gasses
together (they'll do it for you). These gasses can
be at any temperature and pressure and the entire
content of these are NOT taxed. The ratio needs to
be by energy content and NOT mass because of the
huge differences in the mass of a methane molecule (CH4)
and hydrogen (H2). Methane is about 18,500 BTU's/lb and Hydrogen is
around 56,000 BTU's/lb. This is the energy they
deliver per unit of mass, not per unit of volume.
Methane is around 1000 BTU/cubic foot and hydrogen is
around 320 BTU/cubic foot. So the measurement of
what we propose needs to be done on a unit of energy
NO TAX on Hydrogen
Condition 2.
Alcohol and Water Mixture.
CxHyOz + H2O ==> CO + H2
the entire content, delivery, storage, use or generation
of a solid, liquid or gaseous composition made from 2 or
more substances that are fully immiscible with each
other, with or without a third agent, that can be
thermally reformed through autothermal, endothermic or
exothermic reformation with or without a catalyst, into
a gaseous fuel that is dominated by 20% or more hydrogen
by calorific content.
What does this mean?? It means when you take
methanol and mix it with the right ratio of water ( they
both dissolve, or are immiscible with each other) and
you heat it up in a catalyst and produce a product that
is Carbon Monoxide (a great fuel) and hydrogen then this
is tax free. There are whole families of organic
solvents and alcohols, hundreds of them, that can be mixed with other
compounds that will produce a hydrogen dominated fuel
when it is thermally reformed. This is done today for
methanol fuel cells ( MFC )'s. Please keep in mind
this is not some stupid 'water fuel'. The
reformation takes about 15% of the energy content of the
fuel (such as the methanol) because the reaction is
endothermic (needs heat). The advantage is that
the use of the hydrogen and carbon monoxide in an engine
is much more efficient than using methanol and air.
NO TAX on Hydrogen
Condition 3.
Steam + Waste = Hydrogen
CxHy + H2O ==> CO + H2
CxHyOz + H2O ==> CO + H2
the entire content, delivery, storage, use or generation
of a gaseous composition made from any hydrocarbon
molecule, organic molecule or inorganic molecule that is
used to produce a gas that is dominated by 20% or more
free diatomic hydrogen that is produced through the
steam reformation or partial oxidation of that material
or mixture there of.
The steam reformation of natural gas is how hydrogen is made on an industrial scale
This is what the space shuttle flies on when it lifts
off. This is
what the Saturn 5 flew on. Steam reformation of
biomass, waste, sewage, manure, heavy oil, coal, carbon
all produce a hydrogen product that is an excellent fuel for
transportation. All steam reformation, and partial
oxidation and auto thermal reformation should be
encouraged by not punishing it with taxes.
If the
Hydrogen in the Space Shuttle Main Tank was taxed at the
same average rate as gasoline is, the extra tax on the
hydrogen for each shuttle launch would be:
$ 53,000 USA
$587,000 United Kingdom
$835,000 Germany
NO TAX on Hydrogen
Condition 4.
Electrolysis of Water or other Chemicals
2H2O => 2H2 + O2
the entire content, delivery, storage, use or generation
of a gaseous composition made from the electrolysis of
water as long as the electricity used is not derived
from an Earth resource such as coal, petroleum
distillates or natural gas. Land fill
methane in a generator, surplus hydroelectric, wind,
wave, tidal, solar are all excellent examples. An
exception for this may be in the use of 'stranded
natural gas' (or other well or Earth resource) in such
that you have an abundant well in a very remote location
with no ability to transport the earth resource energy
to market. The energy can be used locally at the
source to produce hydrogen that is then shipped to
market. Shipping in an advanced carbon
storage system or in a liquid form are examples.
There are other methods in which this could be done but
at this moment (2008) that information would breach
intellectual property that is under development.
Technically is is possible to take a deep, remote ocean
source of methane hydrate, refine it into hydrogen and
to move that hydrogen to the main land market MORE
economically than it would be liquefying methane gas and
transporting it to market by ship.
Although water is the predominate source of hydrogen
from electrolysis we do NOT want legislation to limit the
technology development of this field but to encourage it
to expand. For example Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) can
be electrolyzed. The process produces
Hydrogen and Chlorine. The hydrogen is taken off
and used and the chlorine is kept in the system and
recycled with water to produce oxygen and more
hydrochloric acid, which is then electrolyzed to make
hydrogen and chlorine. Its a simple chemical
cycle that is closed and only outputs hydrogen and
oxygen. Again, this is dependent on having a
surplus of electricity to drive the process.
An exception for the electrolysis of water or other
chemicals for the production of hydrogen would be the
use of national grid electricity to electrolyze hydrogen
is when there is an EXTERNAL thermal input using waste
heat, recovered energy or direct solar heat.
Electrolysis of water requires X amount of energy to
make Y amount of energy. X is ALWAYS MORE than Y.
Always. However X amount of energy can be 10%
electricity and 90% high temperature solar heat. |
NO TAX on Hydrogen
Condition 5.
Hydrogen used as an Energy carrier, available for public
sale, that is made from any nuclear fission, fusion or
anti-matter source of energy.
the entire content, delivery, storage, use or generation
of a gaseous composition where the original energy
source for the chemical, electrochemical,
thermal-chemical, inorganic or organic chemical method
has taken its predominate energy source from an energy
release at an atomic level.
This would include current nuclear power plants
producing hydrogen via electrolysis as well as many of
the proposed chemical methods. This would
include using fusion energy from the sun that is
radiated onto the planet or space craft. This
would include hydrogen produced from a fusion reaction
of materials being bombarded by high energy lasers to
obtain a controlled fusion energy source.
Yes, antimatter is real. It is not science
fiction. We'll be able to use antimatter energy
long after we've mastered advanced fusion energy.
This is the forward thinking we want to encourage.
This NO TAX on Hydrogen condition would also include hydrogen made from Deuterium -
Deuterium reactions as well as Deuterium - Helium
reactions where the Helium 3 has come from the Moon or
other celestial bodies such as Saturn, Jupiter or the
moons of Mars. This is no joke or fantasy.
China is going to the moon for Helium 3. China as
a civilization has 8000 years of continuity. In
the USA we think in terms of today, tomorrow, next year,
5 years from now and maybe next decade. The
Chinese think in terms of decades, half centuries (50
years) and centuries. www.NoTAXonHydrogen.org is
attempting to utilizes this way of thinking. |
NO TAX on Hydrogen
Condition 6.
Hydrogen made from any photogalvanic electrochemical method
where the radiating power source is Solar Energy.
the entire content, delivery, storage, use or generation
of a gaseous composition where the original energy is solar
radiation (sunlight) and it is powering a photogalvanic
reaction. The photogalvanic particles are immersed
in water. This does not cover the electrolysis of
water with traditional solar panels. This process
refers to the field where particles the size of grains
of sand are altered to be 'miniature solar panels".
Each little particle when illuminated by sunlight
creates a positive and negative voltage across the
particle. This electrolyses the water in
contact with the particle locally into hydrogen and
oxygen. This then bubbles to the surface of the
water and is collected and the hydrogen and oxygen is
separated and used. This DOES EXIST right now.
It works, but it needs a LOT more work. Right now
'traditional' solar photovoltaic panels (PV) are 6%
efficient (thin
film) or 11% efficient (polycrystalline) or up to 22% efficient
(space class cells). Photogalvanic particles
are on the order of 0.01% efficient or LESS. That
would be 1000 times less efficient than standard PV
panels today. Never
the less, right now with our chemistry we can make these
particles and you can throw these particles into a
swimming pool at noon on a sunny day and you will
instantly see hydrogen and oxygen start to bubble up.
The other current problem right now is that the
particles will only work for seconds, minutes and maybe
a few hours at most because the particles are oxidized
by the water they are photogalvanically reacting with.
Photogalvanic particles, the size of a grain of sand,
made on an industrial scale, that will last for years
and even if it only has an efficiency of 1%, will change
the world. These particles and a bucket of
water in the middle of Africa will produce a fuel that
will run a car engine, if the sun is shining. |
Once we
have an abundance of vehicles with natural gas tanks, it is NOT hard to put 10% to 20% (or more)
hydrogen into the tanks to augment the natural gas.
Even going to pure hydrogen is much easier if there are
millions of vehicles that are natural gas capable. PickensPlan is a step towards pure hydrogen powering all
vehicles. It is a BIG HUGE step. Thank
you, from our heart, to T B Pickens for setting the
example of what private wealth and determination can do.